[1] [2] If I should rehearse (according to the report of di|uerse writers) how déerelie dogs, rats, mise,Extreame fa|mine within Rone. and cats were sold within the towne, and how greedilie they were by the poore people eaten and deuoured, and how the people dailie died for fault of food, and yoong infants laie sucking in the stréets on their moothers breasts, lieng dead, starued for hunger; the reader might lament their extreme miseries. A great num|ber of poore sillie creaturs were put out at the gates, which were by the Englishmen that kept the tren|ches beaten and driuen backe againe to the same gates, which they found closed and shut against them. And so they laie betweene the wals of the citie and the trenches of the enimies, still crieng for helpe and reléefe, for lacke whereof great numbers of them dai|lie died.