[1] [2] Now as it chanced, the king in going about the campe, to surueie and view the warders, he espied two souldiers that were walking abroad without the limits assigned, whom he caused straightwaies to be apprehended and hanged vpon a tree of great height, for a terrour to others,King Henrie his iustice. that none should be so hardie to breake such orders as he commanded them to ob|serue. Thom. Wals. Whilest the king laie thus with his power a|bout the mightie citie of Rone, the Frenchmen sought to indamage as well those that were at that siege, as other of the Englishmen that laie in garri|sons within the townes that were alreadie in the king of Englands possession, insomuch that (as some haue written) within the octaues of the Assumption, three notable victories chanced to the Englishmen in thrée seuerall places.Thrée [...] victories [...] the Engl [...] side [...] short time [...]gither. First an hundred Englishmen at Kilbuef tooke three great lords of the Frenchmen, besides fourescore other persons, and put thrée hun|dred to flight.