[1] [2] During this siege also, there arriued at Har [...]lue the lord of Kilmaine in Ireland,The lord of Kilmaine capteine of the Irishmen. with a band of six|teene hundred Irishmen, in maile, with darts and skains after the maner of their countrie, all of them being tall, quicke, and nimble persons, which came [page 566] and presented themselues before the king lieng still at the siege, of whom they were not onelie gentlie re|ceiued & welcomed; but also because it was thought that the French king and the duke of Burgognie would shortlie come, and either attempt to raise the siege, or vittell and man the towne by the north gate, they were appointed to kéepe the north side of the ar|mie, and speciallie the waie that commeth from the forest of Lions. Which charge the lord of Kilmaine and his companie ioifullie accepted, and did so their deuoir therein, that no men were more praised, nor did more damage to their enimies than they did:The good ser|uice of the I|rishmen at this siege. for suerlie their quickenesse & swiftnesse of foot did more preiudice to their enimies, than their barded horsses did hurt or damage to the nimble Irishmen. Also the kings coosine germane and alie (the king of Por|tingale) sent a great nanie of well appointed ships vnto the mouth of the riuer of Seine, Titus Liuius. The king of Portingale sendeth aid to king Henrie. to stop that no French vessels should enter the riuer, and passe vp the same, to the aid of them within Rone.