[1] [2] [3] After this conflict, this towne was so hardlie hand|led with fierce and continuall assaults, that the cap|teins within offered to suffer the English nauie to passe by their towne without impeachment, vp to the citie of Rone. And also if Rone yeelded, they promi|sed to render the towne without delaie. Héerevpon the English nauie, to the number of an hundred sailes, passed by Cawdebecke, and came to Rone, and so besieged it on the water side. There came also to this siege the duke of Glocester, with the earle of Suffolke, and the lord Aburgauennie, which had ta|ken (as before yee haue heard) the towne of Chier|burgh, & lodged before the port of S. Hilarie, néerer to their enimies by fortie rodes than any other per|son of the armie.