[1] [2] [3] On the further side of the riuer were lodged the earles of Warren and Huntington, the lords Ne|uill and Ferrers, sir Umfreuile. Gilbert Umfreuile with a well furnished companie of warlike soldiers directlie be|fore the gate called Port de Pont. And to the intent that no aid should passe by the riuer toward the citie, there was a great chaine of iron deuised at Pont Larch, set on piles from the one side of the water to the other: and beside that chaine, there was set vp a new forced bridge sufficient both for cariage and pas|sage, to passe the riuer from one campe to another. The erle of Warwike that had latelie woone Damp|front,The lord Talbot. was sent to besiege Cawdebecke, a towne standing on the riuer side, betweene the sea and the citie of Rone [A memorable fea [...] in seruice néere to that place was doone at that time by a well minded man then noted soone after in writing: W. P. which mat|ter vnable to be better reported than by him that had so well marked it, nor like to be more trulie expressed than by the ancient simplicitie (and yet effectuall) of the selfe same words wherein they were written, therefore thought méetest to haue them rehearsed as they were in order, thus.