[1] [2] The old armes of the house of Bromley being quarterlie gules and ore per fesse indented, had in the seale to this déed, an inscutchen charged with a griffin surgiant; his creast, out of a crowne, a demi|lion supporting a standard charged with a lion pas|sant gardant: about the shield was ingrauen, Sigillum Iohannis de Bromley militis. That inscutchen and creast (as like is) giuen him in laudable remembrance for his valiant recouerie of the standard at the sharpe and bloodie skirmish by Corbie.] The earle of War|wike, and the lord Talbot, after the winning of this fortresse, made speed to come vnto the siege of Rone, where they were imploied, as after shall ap|peare. And in like manner, the duke of Glocester, ha|uing once got the possession of Chierburgh, hasted to|wards the same siege: for the better furnishing of which enterprise, he had first caused an armie of fif|téene thousand men to be brought ouer to him, vnder the leading of his vncle the duke of Excester, who imbarking with the same, about the feast of the ho|lie Trinitie, was appointed by the king to besiege the citie of Eureux, as the earle of Angus, otherwise called earle of Kime, was sent to win the castell of Millie Leuesche. These townes being deliuered to the kings vse, the duke ordeined capteine of Eureux sir Gilbert Halsall knight.