[1] After that the duke had subdued to the kings do|minion, the most part of all the townes in that Ile of Constantine, Chierburgh excepted, he returned to the king,Chierburgh besieged by the English. and forthwith was sent thither againe to be|siege that strong fortresse, which was fensed with men, munition, vittels, and strong walles, towers, and turrets, in most defensible wise, by reason where|of it was holden against him the space of fiue mo|neths, although he vsed all waies and meanes possi|ble to annoie them within, so that manie fierce as|saults, skirmishes, issues, and other exploits of warre were atchiued, betwixt the Frenchmen within, and the Englishmen without: yet at length, the French|men were so constreind by power of baterie, mines, and other forceable waies of approchings, that they were glad to compound to deliuer the place, if no re|scue came to raise the siege, either from the Dolphin, that their was retired into Aquitaine, or from the duke of Burgognie that then laie at Paris, within the terme of thrée score and two daies (for so long re|spit the duke granted) but they trusting further vpon his lenitie and gentlenesse hoped to get a far longer terme.