[1] [2] The duke of Glocester the same time, accompani|ed with the earle of March, the lord Greie of Cod|ner, and other, was sent to subdue the townes in the Ile of Constantine, vnto whome these townes here|after mentioned were yeelded, where he appointed capteins as followeth. At Carentine the lord Bo|treux, at Saint Lo Reginald West, at Ualoignes Thomas Burgh, at Pont Done Danie Howell, at the Haie de Pais sir Iohn Aston, at saint Sauieur le vicont sir Iohn Robsert, at Pontorson sir Robert Gargraue, at Hamberie the earle of Suffolke lord of that place by gift, at Briqueuill the said earle al|so by gift, at Auranches sir Philip Hall bailiffe of Alanson, at Uire the lord Matreuers, at S. Iames de Beumeron the same lord.