[1] [2] In the sixt yeare of king Henries reigne, Anno Reg. [...] he sent the earle of Warwike, and the lord Talbot, to be|siege the strong castell of Dampfront. The duke of Clarence was also sent to besiege and subdue other townes, vnto whome, at one time and other, we find, that these townes vnderwritten were yéelded, where|in he put capteins as followeth.Townes in Normandie yeelded to K. Henrie. In Courton Iohn Aubin, in Barney William Houghton, in Cham|bis Iames Neuill, in Bechelouin the earle Mar|shall, in Harecourt Richard Wooduill esquier, in Fangernon Iohn S. Albon, in Creuener sir Iohn Kirbie to whom it was giuen, in Anuilliers Robert Hornebie, in Bagles sir Iohn Arthur, in Fresnie le vicont sir Robert Brent.