[1] At the same time, the states of the realme were assembled at London, for the leuieng of monie, to furnish the kings great charges, which he was at a|bout the maintenance of his wars in France: it was therefore determined, that the said sir Iohn Oldcastell should be brought, and put to his triall, yer the assemblie brake vp. The lord Powes there|fore was sent to fetch him, who brought him to Lon|don in a litter, wounded as he was: herewith, being first laid fast in the Tower, shortlie after he was brought before the duke of Bedford, regent of the realme, and the other estates, where in the end he was condemned; and finallie was drawen from the Tower vnto saint Giles field,Sir Iohn Oldcastell executed. and there hanged in a chaine by the middle, and after consumed with fire, the gallowes and all.