[1] [page 561] When the fame of his mercifull dealing herein, of his bountie to captiues, and of his fauourable v|sing of those that submitted themselues to his grace, was spred abroad, all the capteins of the townes ad|ioining, came willinglie to his presence, offering to him themselues, their townes, and their goods, wher|vpon he made proclamation, that all men, which had, or would become his subiects, and sweare to him al|legiance, should inioy their goods, and liberties, in as large or more ample maner,The Nor|mans wil|linglie sworne English. than they did be|fore: which gentle interteining of the stubborne Nor|mans, was the verie cause, why they were not onlie content, but also glad to remooue and turne from the French part, and become subiects to the crowne of England.