[1] [2] The quéene forgetting the great perill that the realme then stood in,The yoong Dolphin [...] his old moother of [...] treasure, what mischéefe [...]ose vpon it. remembring onelie the displea|sure to hir by this act doone, vpon a womanish malice, set hir husband Iohn duke of Burgognie in the high|est authoritie about the king, giuing him the regi|ment and direction of the king and his realme, with all preheminence & souereigntie.The duke of Burgognie chéefe dooer [...] France. The duke of Bur|gognie hauing the sword in his hand, in reuenge of old iniuries, began to make warre on the Dolphin, determining, that when he had tamed this yoong vn|brideled gentleman, then would he go about to with|stand, and beat backe the common enimies of the realme. The like reason mooued the Dolphin, for he minded first to represse the authours of ciuill discord, before he would set vpon forreine enimies, and there|fore prepared to subdue and destroie the duke of Bur|gognie, as the cheefe head of that mischeefe, whereby the realme was vnquieted, decaied, and in manner brought to vtter ruine. Thus was France afflicted, and in euerie part troubled with warre and diuision, and no man to prouide remedie, nor once put foorth his finger for helpe or succour.