[1] When the emperor perceiued that it was in vaine to mooue further for peace, he left off that treatie, and entered himselfe into a league with king Henrie, the contents of which league consisted cheeflie in these articles, that both the said emperour and king, Titus Liuius. The emperor entereth into league with king Henrie. their heires, and successors, should be freends ech to other, as alies and confederats against all manner of per|sons, of what estate or degrée so euer they were (the church of Rome, and the pope for that time being on|lie excepted) and that neither they, nor their heires,The cõtents of the league. nor successors should be present in councell or other place, where either of them, or his heires or successors might susteine damage, in lands, goods, honors, states, or persons: and that if anie of them should vn|derstand of losse or hinderance to be like to fall or happen to the others, they should impeach the same, or if that laie not in their powers, they should aduertise the others thereof with all conuenient spéed: and that either of them, and their heires and successors should aduance the others honor and commoditie without fraud or deceipt. Moreouer, that neither of them, nor their heires and successors should permit their sub|iects to leauie warres against the others; and that it should be lawfull and frée for ech of their subiects, to passe into the others countrie, and there to remaine and make merchandize, either by sea or land, paieng the customes, gabels, and duties due and accustomed, according to the lawes and ordinances of the places and countries where they chanced to traffike.