[1] King Henrie aduertised hereof, meant at the first to haue gone with his nauie in person to the succors of his men; but the emperor dissuaded him from that purpose, aduising him rather to send some one of his capteins. The king following his louing and reaso|nable aduertisement, appointed his brother the duke of Bedford accompanied with the earles of March, Marshall, Oxford, Huntington, Warwike, Arun|dell, Salisburie, Deuonshire, and diuerse barons, with two hundred saile to passe into Normandie, for rescue of the towne of Harflue; Titu [...] Liuius. which vsing great di|ligence shipped at Rie, and after some hinderance by contrarie winds, at length came to the mouth of the riuer of Seine on the daie of the Assumption of our ladie. When the vicount of Narbon perceiued the English nauie to approch, he couragiouslie set for|ward, and gat the possession of the mouth of the ha|uen. The duke of Bedford séeing his enimies thus fiercelie to come forward,A great ouer|throw by sea giuen to the French by the duke of Bed|ford. set before certeine strong ships, which at the first incounter vanquished and tooke two French ships, the capteins whereof were too rash and forward.