[1] In this fourth yeare of king Henries reigne, the emperour Sigismund, Anno Reg. 4. The emperor Sigismund commeth [...] England. coosine germane to king Henrie, came into England, to the intent that he might make an attonement betwéene king Henrie and the French king: with whom he had beene before, bringing with him the archbishop of Remes, as am|bassadour for the French king. Titus Liuius. At Calis he was ho|norablie receiued by the earle of Warwike lord de|putie there, and diuerse other lords sent thither of pur|pose to attend him. Moreouer, the king sent thither thirtie great ships to bring him and his traine ouer. At Douer the duke of Glocester,The stran [...] manner of re|ceiuing the emperour [...] Douer. and diuerse other lords were readie to receiue him, who at his approch|ing to land, entered the water with their swords in their hands drawen; and by the mouth of the said duke declared to him, that if he intended to enter the land as the kings fréend, and as a mediator to intreat for peace, he should be suffered to arriue: but if he would enter as an emperour into a land claimed to be vn|der his empire, then were they readie to resist him. This was thought necessarie to be doone for sauing of the kings prerogatiue, who hath full preheminence within his owne realme, as an absolute emperour.