[1] Of Englishmen, there died at this battell,Englishmen slaine. Ed|ward duke Yorke, the earle of Suffolke, sir Richard Kikelie, and Dauie Gamme esquier, and of all other not aboue fiue and twentie persons, as some doo re|port; but other writers of greater credit affirme, that there were slaine aboue fiue or six hundred persons. Rich. Grafton. Titus Liuius. Titus Liuius saith, that there were slaine of English|men, beside the duke of Yorke, and the earle of Suf|folke, an hundred persons at the first incounter. The duke of Glocester the kings brother was sore woun|ded about the hips, and borne downe to the ground, so that he fell backwards, with his féet towards his eni|mies, whom the king bestrid, and like a brother vali|antlie rescued from his enimies, & so sauing his life, caused him to be conueied out of the fight, into a place of more safetie. Abr. Fl. out of Anglorum prae|lijs sub Henr. 5. ¶ The whole order of this con|flict which cost manie a mans life, and procured great bloudshed before it was ended, is liuelie described in Anglorum praelijs; where also, besides the manner of di|sposing [page 556] the armies, with the exploits on both sides, the number also of the slaine, not much differing (though somewhat) from the account here named, is there touched, which remembrance verie fit for this place, it were an errour (I thinke) to omit; and there|fore here inserted (with the shortest) as followeth.

—equitatus ordine primo,
Magnanimi satrapae, post hos cecidere secundo
Nauarrae comes, & tuus archiepiscopus (ô Sans)
Praeterea comites octo periere cruentis
Vulneribus, trita appellant quos voce barones
Plus centum, clari generis plus mille cadebant
Sexcenti, notí decem plus millia vulgi
Ex Francorum, ter centum perdidit Anglus:
Et penes Henricum belli victoria mansit.