[1] There were taken prisoners,Noble men prisoners. Charles duke of Orleance nephue to the French king, Iohn duke of Burbon, the lord Bouciqualt one of the marshals of France (he after died in England) with a number of other lords, knights, and esquiers, at the least fiftéene hundred, besides the common people.The number slaine on the French part. Englishmen slaine. There were slaine in all of the French part to the number of ten thousand men, whereof were princes and noble men bearing baners one hundred twentie and six; to these, of knights, esquiers, and gentlemen, so manie as made vp the number of eight thousand and foure hun|dred (of the which fiue hundred were d [...]bbed knights the night before the battell) so as of the meaner sort, not past sixteene hundred. Amongst those of the nobi|litie that were slaine, these were the cheefest, Charles lord de la Breth high constable of France, Iaques of Chatilon lord of Dampier admerall of France, the lord Rambures master of the crossebowes, sir Guischard Dolphin great master of France, Iohn duke of Alanson, Anthonie duke of Brabant brother to the duke of Burgognie, Edward duke of Bar, the earle of Neuers an other brother to the duke of Bur|gognie, with the erles of Marle, Uaudemont, Beau|mont, Grandprée, Roussie, Fauconberge, Fois and Lestrake, beside a great number of lords and barons of name.