[1] The king that daie shewed himselfe a valiant knight, albeit almost felled by the duke of Alanson;A valiant king. yet with plaine strength he slue two of the dukes companie, and felled the duke himselfe; whome when he would haue yelded, the kings gard (contrarie to his mind) slue out of hand. In conclusion, the king minding to make an end of that daies iornie, caused his horssemen to fetch a compasse about, and to ioine with him against the rereward of the Frenchmen, in the which was the greatest number of people. When the Frenchmen perceiued his intent,The French rereward dis|comfited. they were suddenlie amazed and ran awaie like sheepe, without order or arraie. Which when the king percei|ued, he incouraged his men, and followed so quicke|lie vpon the enimies, that they ran hither and thither, casting awaie their armour: manie on their knees desired to haue their liues saued.