[1] These made somewhat forward, before whome there went an old knight sir Thomas Erpingham (a man of great experience in the warre) with a war|der in his hand;The English gaue the on|set. and when he cast vp his warder, all the armie shouted, but that was a signe to the ar|chers in the medow, which therwith shot wholie alto|gither at the vauward of the Frenchmen, who when they perceiued the archers in the medow,The two ar|mies ioine battell. and saw they could not come at them for a ditch that was be|twixt them, with all hast set vpon the fore ward of king Henrie, but yer they could ioine, the archers in the forefront, and the archers on that side which stood in the medow, so wounded the footmen, galled the horsses, and combred the men of armes, that the foot|men durst not go forward, the horssemen ran togi|ther vpõ plumps without order, some ouerthrew such as were next them, and the horsses ouerthrew their masters, and so at the first ioining, the Frenchmen were foulie discomforted, and the Englishmen high|lie incouraged.