[1] [page 553] In the morning, the French capteins made thrée battels,The order of the French armie. in the vaward were eight thousand healmes of knights and esquiers, foure thousand archers, and fifteene hundred crosbowes which were guided by the lord de la Breth, constable of France, hauing with him the dukes of Orleance and Burbon, the earles of Ewe and Richmond, the marshall Bouci|quault, and the maister of the crosbowes, the lord Dampier admerall of France, and other capteins. The earle of Uandosme with sixtéene hundred men of armes were ordered for a wing to that battell. And the other wing was guided by sir Guichard Dolphine, sir Clugnet of Brabant, and sir Lewes Bourdon, with eight hundred men of armes, of elect chosen persons. And to breake the shot of the Eng|lishmen, were appointed sir Guilliam de Saueuses, with Hector and Philip his brethren, Ferrie de Mail|lie, and Alen de Gaspanes, with other eight hundred of armes.