[1] [2] The French king being at Rone, and hearing that king Henrie was passed the riuer of Some,The French king cõsulteth how to deale with ye Eng|lishmen. was much displeased therewith, and assembling his councell to the number of fiue and thirtie, asked their aduise what was to be doone. There was amongst these fiue and thirtie, his sonne the Dolphin, calling himselfe king of Sicill;Dolphin king of Sicill. the dukes of Berrie and Bri|taine, the earle of Pontieu the kings yoongest sonne, and other high estates. At length thirtie of them a|gréed, that the Englishmen should not depart vn|fought withall, and fiue were of a contrarie opinion, but the greater number ruled the matter:The French K. sendeth de|fiance to king Henrie. and so Montioy king at armes was sent to the king of England to defie him as the enimie of France, and to tell him that he should shortlie haue battell. King Henrie aduisedlie answered:K. Henries answer to the defiance.

Mine intent is to doo as it pleaseth God, I will not séeke your maister at this time; but if he or his séeke me, I will meet with them God willing. If anie of your nation attempt once to stop me in my iournie now towards Calis, at their ieopardie be it; and yet with I not anie of you so vnaduised, as to be the occasion that I die your tawnie ground with your red bloud.