[1] [page 552] W. P. For that by the armes in the seale it may the bet|ter be knowne of what stem this noble man sproong (a matter which this storie seemes iustlie to require) vnderstand yée thus were the same. In his shield, a cheuorne charged with a mullet; his crest, a swans head couped betweene two wings displaied all out of a crowne supported by two greihounds; about the shéeld ingrauen, Signa Hugonis de Stafford militis. Héereby is gathered that he was a third brother of the duke of Buckinghams house.] This feat thus well doone,King Henrie pass [...]th the ri|uer of Some with his host. the king the same daie found a shallow, betwéene Corbie and Peron, which neuer was e|spied before, at which he with his armie and carria|ges the night insuing, passed the water of Some without let or danger, and therewith determined to make haste towards Calis, and not to seeke for bat|tell, except he were thereto constreined, bicause that his armie by sicknesse was sore diminished,The kings armie but of 15000. in so much that he had but onelie two thousand horssemen and thirteene thousand archers, bilmen, and of all sorts of other footmen.