[1] Wherefore to incourage
his capteins the more, he dubbed certeine of his hardie and valiant
gentle|men knights,Diuerse cap|teins knights as
Iohn lord Ferrers of Grobie, Re|ginald of Greistocke, Piers Tempest,
Christopher Morisbie, Thomas Pikering, William Huddleston, Iohn Hosbalton, Henrie Mortimer, Philip Hall, and William
his brother, Iaques de Ormond, and di|uerse other: but the French making no
semblance to fight, he departed in good order of battell by the towne of
Amiens, to another towne néere to a ca|stell called Bowes, and there laie
two daies looking for their bidding of battell euerie houre.
From thence he came néere to Corbie, where he was staied that night,
for that the common people and pezants mightilie there assembled, hauing
gotten them some head and hartening by meanes
of their number that was great, and by trust of a strength (then ioined
vn|to them) made of men at armes (manie too tall and well appointed for
fight) all of the garrison of Cor|bie:Standing in
Picardie be|twéene Ami|ens & Peron all vpõ the ri|uer of
Some. a strong towne well walled and warded. Here|vpon at a
streict (which they had preoccupied) they stoutlie from our armie not onelie
kept the passage, but also vpon vs gaue a proud onset: wherein sir Hugh
Stafford knight lord Bourghchier, chéefteine of a wing to the king vnder his
standard of Guien,Sir Hugh Stafford lord
Bourghchier. and as then neerest to the enimie, though far
inferior in number, yet with readie and valiant incounter receiued them. The
force and slaughter grew great both on the one side and the other, by the
French in e|speciall at first right fiercelie pursued, in so much as with an
hardie charge vpon our men, they had both beat downe the standard, and also
from vs quite woone it awaie, to their hie incouragement, and our incredible
despite and dismaie.
Iohn Brom|ley. He came of a yoonger bro|ther in the li|nage of the right honora|ble
the lord chancelor that now is 1585.