[1] [2] [3] But before his departing thence, he entred into the towne of Harflue, & went to the church of saint Martines, and there offered. All the men of warre which had not paid their ransoms,The kings mercifull dea|ling with the French pri|soners. he sware them on the holie euangelists, to yeeld themselues prisoners at Calis by the feast of saint Martine in Nouember next. There were two strong towers standing on the hauen side at Harflue, which looking for aid, did not yƩeld, till ten daies after the towne was rendered. When the king had repared the walles, bulwarks and rampiers about the towne, and furnished it with vittels and artillerie, he remooued from Harflue to|ward Ponthoise, intending to passe the riuer of Some with his armie, before the bridges were ei|ther withdrawen or broken. Such vittels and other necessaries as were to be caried wich the armie, he [page 551] appointed to be laid on horsses, leauing the carts and wagons behind for lesse incombre.