[1] [2] The king neuerthelesse was after content to grant a respit vpon certeine conditions, that the capteins within might haue time to send to the French king for succour (as before ye haue heard) least he intending greater exploits, might lose time in such small matters. When this composition was agreed vpon, the lord Bacqueuill was sent vnto the French king, to declare in what point the towne stood. To whome the Dolphin answered, that the kings power was not yet assembled, in such number as was conuenient to raise so great a siege. This an|swer being brought vnto the capteins within the towne, they rendered it vp to the king of England, after that the third daie was expired, which was on the daie of saint Maurice being the seuen and thirtith daie after the siege was first laid.Harflue yé [...]ded and sac|ked. The souldiors were ransomed, and the towne sacked, to the great gaine of the Englishmen. ¶Some writing of this yeelding vp of Harflue, Abr. Fl. out of Angl. pr [...]. sub Hen. 5. and Polychron. doo in like sort make mention of the distresse whereto the people, then expelled out of their habitations, were driuen: insomuch as parents with their children, yoong maids and old folke went out of the towne gates with heauie harts (God wot) as put to their present shifts to séeke them a new abode. Be|sides that, king Henrie caused proclamation to be made within his owne dominions of England, that whosoeuer (either handicraftesman, merchantmen, gentleman, or plowman) would inhabit in Har|flue, should haue his dwelling giuen him gratis, and his heire after him also inioy the like grace and fa|uour: insomuch that great multitudes flocked to the sea coasts, waiting wind and wether for their trans|portage into Harflue, where being arriued, woonder|full it is to tell, within how short a time the towne was peopled. This doth Anglorum praelia report, saieng (not without good ground, I beléeue) as followeth:
—tum flentes tenera cum prole parentesVirgineúsque chorus veteres liquêre penates:Tum populus cunctus de portis Gallicus exitMoestus, inarmatus, vacuus, miser, aeger, inópsVtque nouas sodes quaerat migrare coactus:Oppidulo belli potiuntur iure Britanni, &c.