[1] The capteins within the towne, perceiuing that they were not able long to resist the continuall as|saults of the Englishmen, knowing that their wals were vndermined, and like to be ouerthrowne (as one of their bulwarks was alredie, Harding. Thom. Walsi. where the earles of Huntington and Kent had set vp their banners) sent an officer at armes foorth about midnight after the feast daie of saint Lambert,The seuen|téenth of Sep|tember they within Harflue praie par|lée. which fell that yeare vpon the tuesdaie, to beseech the king of England to appoint some certeine persons as commissioners from him, with whome they within might treat a|bout some agréement. The duke of Clarence, to whome this messenger first declared his errand, ad|uertised the king of their request, who granting there|to, appointed the duke of Excester, with the lord Fitz Hugh, and sir Thomas Erpingham, to vnderstand their minds, who at the first requested a truce vntill sundaie next following the feast of saint Michaell, in which meane time if no succour came to remooue the siege, they would vndertake to deliuer the towne into the kings hands, their liues and goods saued.