[1] But whatsoeuer hath beene reported of the confes|sion of the earle of Cambridge, certeine it is, that in|dicted he was by the name of Richard earle of Cam|bridge of Connesburgh in the countie of Yorke knight,The effect of the earle of Cambridges indictement. and with him Thomas Graie of Heton in the countie of Northumberland and knight; for that they the twentith daie of Iulie, in the third yeare of king Henrie the fifts reigne, at Southampton, and in di|uerse other places within this realme, had conspired togither with a power of men to them associat, with|out the kings licence, to haue led awaie the lord Ed|mund earle of March into Wales, and then to haue procured him to take vpon him the supreme gouern|ment of the realme, in case that king Richard the se|cond were dead: and herwith had purposed to set foorth a proclamation there in Wales, in name of the said earle of March, as heire of the crowne a|gainst king Henrie, by the name of Henrie of Lan|caster the vsurper, to the end that by such meanes they might draw the more number of the kings liege people vnto the said earle; and further to haue con|ueied a banner of the armes of England, and a cer|teine crowne of Spaine set vpon a pallet, and laid in gage to the said earle of Cambridge,A iewell. by the king, to|gither with the said earle of March into the parties of Wales aforesaid.