[1] [2] These prisoners vpon their examination, confessed, that for a great summe of monie which they had re|ceiued of the French king, they intended verelie ei|ther to haue deliuered the king aliue into the hands of his enimies, or else to haue murthered him before he should arriue in the duchie of Normandie. When king Henrie had heard all things opened, which he desired to know, Hall. he caused all his nobilitie to come before his presence, before whome he caused to be brought the offendors also, and to them said.

Hauing thus conspired the death and destruction of me, which am the head of the realme and gouernour of the peo|ple,King Henries words to the traitours. it maie be (no doubt) but that you likewise haue sworne the confusion of all that are here with me, and also the desolation of your owne countrie. To what horror (O lord) for any true English hart to con|sider, that such an execrable iniquitie should euer so bewrap you, as for pleasing of a forren enimie to imbrue your hands in your bloud, and to ruine your owne natiue soile. Reuenge herein touching my per|son, though I séeke not; yet for the safegard of you my déere fréends, & for due preseruation of all sorts, I am by office to cause example to be shewed. Get ye hence therefore ye poore miserable wretches to the re|ceiuing of your iust reward, wherein Gods maiestie giue you grace of his mercie and repentance of your heinous offenses. And so immediatlie they were had to execution.