[1] When king Henrie had fullie furnished his naui [...] with men, munition, & other prouisions, perceiuing that his capteines misliked nothing so much as de|laie, determined his souldiors to go a ship-boord and awaie. But see the hap, the night before the daie ap|pointed for their departure, he was crediblie infor|med, that Richard earle of Cambridge brother to Edward duke of Yorke, and Henrie lord Scroope of Masham lord treasuror, with Thomas Graie a knight of Northumberland,The earle of Cambridge [...] other lor [...]s apprehended for treason. Thom. [...] being confederat togi|ther, had conspired his death: wherefore he caused them to be apprehended. The said lord Scroope was in such fauour with the king, that he admitted him sometime to be his bedfellow, in whose fidelitie the king reposed such trust, that when anie priuat or pu|blike councell was in hand, this lord had much in the determination of it. For he represented so great gra|uitie in his countenance, such modestie in behauiour, and so vertuous zeale to all godlinesse in his talke, that whatsoeuer he said was thought for the most part necessarie to be doone and followed. Also the said sir Thomas Graie (as some write) was of the kings priuie councell.