[1] When the king had all prouisions readie, and or|dered all things for the defense of his realme, he lea|uing behind him for gouernour of the realme,The quéene mother gouer|nour of the realme. the quéene his moother in law, departed to Southamp|ton, to take ship into France. And first princelie ap|pointing to aduertise the French king of his com|ming, therefore dispatched Antelope his purseuant at armes with letters to him for restitution of that which he wrongfully withheld, contrarie to the lawes of God and man the king further declaring how sorie he was that he should be thus compelled for re|peating of his right and iust title of inheritance, to make warre to the destruction of christian people, but sithens he had offered peace which could not be re|ceiued, now for fault of iustice, he was forced to take armes. Neuerthelesse erhorted the French king in the bowels of Iesu Christ, to render him that which was his owne, whereby effusion of Christian blo [...]d might be auoided. These letters chéeflie to this effect and purpose were written and dated from Hampton the fift of August. When the same were presented to the French king, and by his councell well perused, answer was made, that he would take aduise, and prouide therein as time and place should be conueni|ent, so the messenger licenced to depart at his plea|sure.