[1] The archbishop of Burges much gréeued,A proud pre|sumptuous prelat. that his ambassage was no more regarded, after certeine brags blustered out with impatience, as more presu|ming vpon his prelasie, than respecting his dutie of considerance to whom he spake and what became him to saie, he praied safe conduct to depart. Which the king gentlie granted, and added withall to this effect: I little estéeme your French brags, & lesse set by your power and strength;The wise an|swer of the K. to the bishop.
I know perfectlie my right to my region, which you vsurpe; & except you denie the apparant truth, so doo your selues also: if you neither doo nor will know it, yet God and the world knoweth it. The power of your master you sée, but my puis|sance [page 548] ye haue not yet tasted If he haue louing sub|iects, I am (I thanke God) not vnstored of the same: and I saie this vnto you, that before one yeare passe, I trust to make the highest crowne of your countrie to stoope, and the proudest miter to learne his humi|liatedo. In the meane time tell this to the vsurper your master, that within thrée moneths, I will enter into France, as into mine owne true and lawfull patrimonie, appointing to acquire the same, not with brag of words, but with déeds of men, and dint of sword, by the aid of God, in whome is my whole trust and confidence. Further matter at this present I impart not vnto you, sauing that with warrant you maie depart suerlie and safelie into your coun|trie, where I trust sooner to visit you, than you shall haue cause to bid me welcome.With this answer the ambassadors sore displeased in their minds (al|though they were highlie interteined and liberallie rewarded) departed into their countrie, reporting to the Dolphin how they had sped.