[1] The Frenchmen hauing knowledge hereof, the Dolphin, who had the gouernance of the realme, bi|cause his father was fallen into his old disease of frensie, sent for the dukes of Berrie and Alanson, and all the other lords of the councell of France: by whose aduise it was determined, that they should not onelie prepare a sufficient armie to resist the king of England, when so euer he arriued to inuade France, but also to stuffe and furnish the townes on the frontiers and sea coasts with conuenient garri|sons of men: and further to send to the king of Eng|land a solemne ambassage, to make to him some of|fers according to the demands before rehearsed. The charge of this ambassage was committed to the earle of Uandosme, to maister William Bouratier archbishop of Burges, and to maister Peter Fre|mell bishop of Liseux, to the lords of Yvry and Bra|quemont, and to maister Gaultier Cole the kings secretarie, and diuerse others.