[1] Diuerse other things were concluded at that pre|sent: for the king had caused not onelie the lords o [...] the spiritualtie, but also of the temporaltie to assem|ble here at London the same time, Enguerant. to treat speciallie of his iournie that he purposed to make shortlie into France: and herevpon meanes was made for the gathering of monie;Great prepa|ration for the French wars which was granted with so good a will both of the spiritualtie and temporaltie, that there was leuied the summe of thrèe hundred thou|sand markes English: and herewith order was gi|uen to gather a great hoast of men, thorough all his dominions. And for the more increasing of his na|uie, he sent into Holland, Zeland, and Frizeland, to conduct and hire ships for the transporting and con|ueieng ouer of his men and munitions of war, and finallie prouided for armour, victuals, monie, artille|rie, cariage, boates to passe ouer riuers couered with leather, tents, and all other things requisite for so high an enterprise.