[1] And bicause manie Frenchmen were promoted to ecclesiasticall dignities, as some to benefices, and some to abbeies and priories within the realme, and sent dailie innumerable summes of monie into France, for the reléefe of their naturall countrimen and kinsfolke, he therefore in fauour of the publike wealth of his realme and subiects, Thom. Wall. It is not like that in this councell wri|ters meane ye parlement that was ad|iorned from Leicester to Westminster, where it be|gan in the oc|taues of saint Martin, in this second yeare 1415. in a councell called at London, about Michaelmas, caused to be ordei|ned, that no stranger hereafter should be promoted to anie spirituall dignitie or degree within this realme, without his especiall licence, and roiall con|sent; and all they that should be admitted, should find sufficient suerties, not to disclose the secrets of this realme to anie forren person, nor to minister aid or succour to anie of them with monie, or by anie other meanes. This was confirmed in a conuocation cal|led at the same time by the new archbishop of Can|turburie.