[1] [2] [3] The Frenchmen being not a little abashed at these demands, thought not to make anie absolute answer in so weightie a cause, till they had further breathed; and therefore praied the English ambassa|dors to saie to the king their maister, that they now hauing no opportunitie to conclude in so high a mat|ter, would shortlie send ambassadors into England, which should certifie & declare to the king their whole mind, purpose, and intent. The English ambassadors returned with this answer, making relation of eue|rie thing that was said or doone. King Henrie after the returne of his ambassadors, determined fullie to make warre in France, conceiuing a good and per|fect hope to haue fortunate successe, sith victorie for the most part followeth where right leadeth, being aduanced forward by iustice, and set foorth by equi|tie.