[1] [2] To be briefe, the duke of Excester vsed such ear|nest and pithie persuasions, to induce the king and the whole assemblie of the parlement to credit his words, that immediatlie after he had made an end, all the companie began to crie; Warre, warre; France, France. Hereby the bill for dissoluing of re|ligious houses was cléerelie set aside, and nothing thought on but onelie the recouering of France, ac|cording as the archbishop had mooued. And vpon this point, after a few acts besides for the wealth of the realme established, the parlement was proroged vn|to Westminster. ¶ Some write, that in this parle|ment it was enacted, that Lollards and heretikes with their mainteiners and fauourers should be Ipso facto adiudged guiltie of high treason: but in the sta|tute made in the same parlement against Lollards, we find no such words: albeit by force of that statute it was ordeined, that persons so conuicted & execu|ted, should lose their lands holden in fée simple, and all other their goods and cattels, as in cases of fe|lonie.