[1] This bill was much noted, and more feared among the religious sort, whom suerlie it touched verie neere, and therefore to find remedie against it, they deter|mined to assaie all waies to put by and ouerthrow this bill: wherein they thought best to trie if they might mooue the kings mood with some sharpe in|uention, that he should not regard the importunate petitions of the commons. Wherevpon, on a daie in the parlement, Henrie Chichelie archbishop of Can|turburie made a pithie oration, wherein he declared,The archbi|shop of Can|turburies o|ration in the parlement house. how not onelie the duchies of Normandie and Aqui|taine, with the counties of Aniou and Maine, and the countrie of Gascoigne, were by vndoubted title ap|perteining to the king, as to the lawfull and one|lie heire of the same; but also the whole realme of France, as heire to his great grandfather king Ed|ward the third.