[1] In the second yeare of his reigne, king Henrie called his high court of parlement, Anno Reg. 2. 1414 the last daie of A|prill in the towne of Leicester, in which parlement manie profitable lawes were concluded, and manie petitions mooued, were for that time deferred. A|mongst which, one was, that a bill exhibited in the parlement holden at Westminster in the eleuenth yeare of king Henrie the fourth (which by reason the king was then troubled with ciuill discord, came to none effect) might now with good deliberation be pondered, and brought to some good conclusion. The effect of which supplication was,A bill exhibi|ted to the par|lemẽt against the clergie. that the temporall lands deuoutlie giuen, and disordinatlie spent by re|ligious, and other spirituall persons, should be seized into the kings hands, sith the same might suffice to mainteine, to the honor of the king, and defense of the realme, fiftéene earles, fiftéene hundred knights, six thousand and two hundred esquiers, and a hundred almesse-houses, for reliefe onelie of the poore, impo|tent, and needie persons, and the king to haue cleere|lie to his coffers twentie thousand pounds, with ma|nie other prouisions and values of religious houses, which I passe ouer.