[1] [2] [3] [page 545] Whilest in the Lent season the king laie at Kil|lingworth, there came to him from Charles Dolphin of France certeine ambassadors, Eiton. A disdainefull [...]mbassage. that brought with them a barrell of Paris balles, which from their maister they presented to him for a token that was taken in verie ill part, as sent in scorne, to signifie, that it was more méet for the king to passe the time with such childish exercise, than to attempt any wor|thie exploit. Wherfore the K. wrote to him, that yer ought long, he would tosse him some London balles that perchance should shake the walles of the best court in France. ¶This yeare, Thom. Arundell arch|bishop of Canturburie departed this life, a stout prelat, and an earnest mainteiner of the Romish re|ligion: Tho. Walsi. Henrie Chichelie bishop of saint Dauid suc|ceeded the same Arundell in the sée of Canturburie, and the kings confessor Stephan Patrington a Car|melite frier was made bishop of S. Dauid. Henrie Persie then but a child, sonne to the lord Henrie Per|sie surnamed Hotspur, after his fathers deceasse, that was slaine at Shrewesburie field, was conueied into Scotland, and there left by his grandfather, where euer since he had remained: the king there|fore pitied his case,Persie resto|red to the erle|dome of Nor|thumberland. and so procured for him, that he came home, and was restored to all his lands and earledome of Northumberland, which lands before had béene giuen to the lord Iohn, the kings brother.