[1] After this, the king kéeping his Christmasse at his manor of Eltham, Titus Liuius. was aduertised, that sir Roger Ac [...]on knight, a man of great wit and possessions, Iohn Browne esquier, Iohn Beuerlie priest, and a great number of other were assembled in armour a|gainst the king, Hall. A commotion raised by sir Roger Acton and others. Titus Liuius. his brethren, the clergie and realme. These newes came to the king, on the twelfth daie in Christmasse, wherevpon vnderstanding that they were in a place called Fi [...]ket field beside London, on the backe side of saint Giles, he streight got him to his palace at Westminster, in as secret wise as he might, and there calling to him certeine bands of ar|med men, he repaired into saint Giles fields, néere to the said place (where he vnderstood they should fullie méet about midnight) and so handled the matter,The rebels surprised. that he tooke some, and siue some, euen as stood with his pleasure. The capteins of them afore mentioned, be|ing apprehended, were brought to the kings presence, and to him declared the causes of their commotion & rising, Thom. Walsin. accusing a great number of their complices.