[1] [2] [3] But now that the king was once placed in the roi|all seat of the realme, he vertuouslie considering in his mind, that all goodnesse commeth of God, deter|mined to begin with some thing acceptable to his di|uine maiestie, and therefore commanded the cleargie sincerelie and trulie to preach the word of God, and to liue accordinglie, that they might be the lanternes of light to the temporaltie, as their profession required. The laie men he willed to serue God, and obeie their prince, prohibiting them aboue all things breach of matrimonie, custome in swearing; and namelie, wil|full periurie. Beside this, he elected the best learned men in the lawes of the realme, to the offices of iu|stice; and men of good liuing, he preferred to high de|grées and authoritie.A parlement. Immediatlie after Easter he called a parlement, in which diuerse good statutes, and wholesome ordinances, for the preseruation and ad|uancement of the common-wealth were deuised and established. Thom. Walsin. The funerals of king Hen|rie the fourth kept at Can|turburie. On Trinitie sundaie were the solemne exequies doone at Canturburie for his father, the king himselfe being present thereat.