[1] [2] Such great hope, and good expectation was had of this mans fortunate successe to follow, that within thrée daies after his fathers deceasse, diuerse noble men and honorable personages did to him homage, [...]omage doone [...] K. Henrie before his co| [...]cation. and sware to him due obedience, which had not béene seene doone to any of his predecessors kings of this realme, till they had beene possessed of the crowne. He was crowned the ninth of Aprill being Passion sundaie,The day of king Henries [...] tempe| [...]tuous day. which was a sore, ruggie, and tempestuous day, with wind, snow and sléet, that men greatlie maruelled thereat, making diuerse interpretations what the same might signifie. But this king euen at first appointing with himselfe, to shew that in his person princelie honors should change publike man|ners, he determined to put on him the shape of a new man. For whereas aforetime he had made him|selfe a companion vnto misrulie mates of dissolute order and life,A notable ex|ample of a woorthie prince. he now banished them all from his pre|sence (but not vnrewarded, or else vnpreferred) inhi|biting them vpon a great paine, not once to approch, lodge, or soiourne within ten miles of his court or presence: and in their places he chose men of graui|tie, wit, and high policie, by whose wise counsell he might at all times rule to his honour and dignitie; calling to mind how once to hie offense of the king his father, he had with his fist striken the chéefe iustice for sending one of his minions (vpon desert) to pri|son, when the iustice stoutlie commanded himselfe al|so streict to ward, & he (then prince) obeied. The king after expelled him out of his priuie councell, banisht him the court, and made the duke of Clarence (his yoonger brother) president of councell in his steed. This reformation in the new king Christ. Okl. hath reported, fullie consenting with this. For saith he,

Ille inter iuuenes paulo lasciuior antè,
Defuncto genitore grauis constáns repentè,In Angl. proael. sub Hen. 5.
Moribus ablegat corruptis regis ab aula
Assuetos soc [...]os, & nugatoribus acrem
Poenam (si quisquam sua tecta reuiserit) addit,
At ita mutatus facit omnia principe digna,
Ingenio magno post consultoribus vsus, &c.