[1] Finallie, and to conclude, William Egumond a frier heremit of the sect of the Augustins in Stam|ford; Iohn Tissington a Franciscane frier, a main|teiner of the popes doctrine; William Rimston or Rimington a moonke of Salleie, an enimie also to the Wickliuists; Adam Eston well séene in the toongs, was made a cardinall by pope Gregorie the eleauenth, but by pope Urban the sixt he was com|mitted to prison in Genoa, and at the contemplation of king Richard he was taken out of prison, but not fullie deliuered till the daies of Boniface the ninth, who restored him to his former dignitie; Iohn Beau|fu a Carmelite of Northampton, proceeded doctor of diuinitie in Oxenford, and was made prior of his house; Roger Twiford aliàs Goodlucke, an Augustine frier; Iohn Treuise a Cornishman borne, and a secu|lar préest and vicar of Berklie, he translated the bi|ble; Bartholomew De proprietatibus rerum; Polychro|nicon of Ranulph Higden, and diuerse other treatises, Rafe Spalding a Carmelite frier of Stamford; Iohn moone an Englishman borne, but a student in Paris, who compiled in the French toong the Ro|mant of the Rose, translated into English by Gef|frie Chaucer, William Shirborne; Richard Wich|ingham borne in Norffolke, and diuerse other.

Thus farre Richard of Burdeaux, whose depriuation you haue heard; of his lamentable death here|after, to wit, pag. 516, 517.