[1] More, William Gillingham a moonke of saint Sauiours in Canturburie; Iohn Chilmarke a fel|low of Marton colledge in Oxford, a great philoso|pher and mathematician; Iohn Sharpe a philosopher, and a diuine, wrote manie treatises, a great aduer|sarie to Wickliffe; Richard Lauingham borne in Suffolke, and a frier of Gipswich, an excellent logi|cian, but a sore enimie to them that fauoured Wic|kliffes doctrine; Peter Pateshull, of whome ye haue heard before: it is said that he was in the end con|streined for doubt of persecution to flie into Bo|heme; William Woodford a Franciscane frier, a chosen champion against Wickliffe being now dead, procured thereto by the archbishop of Canturburie Thomas Arundell; Iohn Bromyard a Dominicke frier, both a notable lawyer & a diuine, a sore enimie also to Wickliuists; Marcill Ingelne an excellent philosopher and a diuine, one of the first teachers in the Uniuersitie of Heidelberge, which Robert duke of Bauier and countée palantine of the Rhene had in|stituted about that season; Richard Northall sonne to a maior of London (as is said) of that name, he be|came a Carmelite frier in the same citie; Thomas Edwardson prior of the friers Augustines at Clare in Suffolke, Iohn Summer a Franciscane frier at Bridgewater, an enimie to the Wickliuists; Ri|chard Withée a learned priest & an earnest follower of Wickliffe, Iohn Swafham a Carmelite frier of Lin, a student in Cambridge, who became bishop of Bangor, a great aduersarie to the Wick|liuists.