[1] Adde to these Iohn Wardbie an Augustine frier, and a great diuine; Robert Waldbie excellentlie [page 509] learned as well in diuinitie as other arts, for the which he was first aduanced to a bishoprike in Gas|coigne, [...]nen [...]is [...]iscopus. and after he was admitted archbishop of Du|bline; William Berton a doctor of diuinitie, & chan|cellor of the Uniuersitie of Oxford, and aduersarie to Wickliffe; Philip Repington abbat of Leicester a notable diuine and defender of Wickliffe, Thomas Lombe a Carmelite frier of Lin, Nicholas Here|ford a secular priest, a doctor of diuinitie, and scholer to Wickliffe; Walter Brit also another of Wickliffes scholers wrote both of diuinitie & other arguments, Henrie Herklie chancellor of the Uniuersitie of Ox|ford, an enimie to Wickliffe, and a great sophister; Robert Iuorie a Carmelite frier of London, and the twentith prouinciall of his order here in England; Lankine a Londoner, an Augustine frier, professed in the same citie, a doctor of diuinitie, an aduersarie to Wickliffe.