[1] [2] Moreouer, such were preferred to bishoprikes, and other ecclesiasticall liuings,Ignorant prelats. as neither could teach nor preach, nor knew any thing of the scripture of God, but onelie to call for their tithes and duties; so that they were most vnworthie the name of bishops, being lewd and most vaine persons disguised in bi|shops apparell. Furthermore, there reigned abun|dantlie the filthie sinne of leacherie and fornication, with abhominable adulterie, speciallie in the king, but most chéefelie in the pre [...]acie, whereby the whole realme by such their euill example, was so infected, that the wrath of God was dailie prouoked to ven|geance for the sins of the prince and his people. How then could it continue prosperouslie with this king? against whom for the [...]owle enorm [...]ties wherewith his life was defamed, the wrath of God was whetted and tooke so sharpe an edge, that the same did shred him off from the scepter of his kingdome, and gaue him a full cup of affliction to drinke; as he had doone to other kings his predecessors, by whose example he might haue taken warning. For it is an heauie case when God thundereth out his reall arguments ei|ther vpon prince or people.