[1] [2] Thus was king Richard depriued of all kinglie honour and princelie dignitie,K. Richard depriued. by reason he was so giuen to follow euill counsell, and vsed such inconue|nient waies and meanes, through insolent misgo|uernance, and youthfull outrage, though otherwise a right noble and woorthie prince. He reigned two and twentie yeares, three moneths and eight daies. He deliuered to king Henrie now that he was thus de|posed, all the goods that he had, Hall. to the summe of three hundred thousand pounds in coine, besides plate and iewels, as a pledge and satisfaction of the iniuries by him committed and doone, in hope to be in more suer|tie of life for the deliuerie thereof: but whatsoeuer was promised, he was deceiued therein. For shortlie after his resignation, he was conueied to the castell of Leeds in Kent, & frõ thence to Pomfret, where he departed out of this miserable life (as after you shall heare.) He was séemelie of shape and fauor,His perso|nage. & of na|ture good inough, if the wickednesse & naughtie de|meanor of such as were about him had not altered it.