[1] Moreouer, a proclamation was made, Thom. Wals. that the states should assemble againe in parlement on mon|daie then next insuing, being the feast daie of saint Faith, which is the sixt of October; and that the mon|day then next following, being the 13 of the same moneth, and the feast day of saint Edward the king and confessor, the coronation should be solemnized,The corona|tion proclai|med. and that all such as had to claime any seruice to be doone by them at the same by any tenure, they should come to the White-hall in the kings palace, before the steward and constable of England, on saturdaie next before the same day of the parlement, and presenting their petitions that were due & rightfull,The parlemẽt they should obteine that to them apperteined. Excuse was also made on the kings behalfe, for calling of a parle|ment vpon so short a warning, so as the knights and burgesses were not changed, but onelie appointed to assemble againe, as if the other parlement had ra|ther beene continued than dissolued. The cause was alledged to be for easing of the charges that would haue risen, if ech man had béene sent home, and new knights and burgesses called.