[1] [2] After which sentence thus openlie declared, the said estates admitted foorthwith the forenamed commis|sioners for their procurators, to resigne and yeeld vp vnto king Richard, all their homage and fealtie, which in times past they had made and owght vnto him, and also for to declare vnto him (if need were) all things before doone that concerned the purpose and cause of his deposing: the which resignation was respited till the morow following. Immediatlie as the sentence was in this wise passed, and that by rea|son thereof the realme stood void without head or go|uernour for the time, the duke of Lancaster rising from the place where before he sate, and standing where all those in the house might behold him, in re|uerend manner made a signe of the crosse on his for|head, and likewise on his brest, and after silence by an officer commanded, said vnto the people there be|ing present, these words following.