[1] [2] All this was doone accordinglie, for the articles which before yee haue heard, were drawne and ingros|sed vp, and there shewed readie to be read; but for o|ther causes more néedfull as then to be preferred, the reading of those articles at that season was defer|red. Then forsomuch as the lords of the parlement had well considered the voluntarie resignation (of king Richard, and that it was behoouefull and as they thought) necessarie for the weale of the realme, to proceed vnto the sentence of his deposing, there were appointed by the authoritie of all the estates there in parlement assembled, the bishop of saint A|saph, the abbat of Glastenburie, the earle of Gloce|ster, the lord Berkleie, William Thirning iustice, and Thomas Erpingham, with Thomas Graie, knights, that they should giue and pronounce the o|pen sentence of the deposing of king Richard. Wher|vpon the said commissioners taking counsell togi|ther, by good and deliberate aduise therein had, with one assent agréed, that the bishop of S. Asaph should publish the sentence for them and in their names, as followeth.